[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]By Elizabeth Pfalzgraf, Assistant Director of Children and Student Ministries

My husband and I recently became Deacons. We are so excited to start this leadership role and be active during worship. Being church members, we’ve learned how important it is to us and the church to have the members serve among our church community.

With a new Sunday School year fast approaching, we look for teachable moments in Children and Student Ministry. Something I hope to help encourage is having our students more involved and active during worship service.

Jackson Berry and Hailey Hunter serve at the communion table with Dr. Miles

Jackson Berry and Hailey Hunter serve at the communion table with Dr. Miles

You’ve seen them, the students who help take offering, serve communion and even read the prayers during communion. Not only do I appreciate witnessing their leadership skills develop, but I love seeing how meaningful this active role is to them.

As deacons and elders, I think we should continue to promote these opportunities and give students guidance and experience in what it truly means to serve your church. These opportunities that turn into memories will stay with our students long after their time as student deacons and elders. We would love to see this role carry into a position as an adult member![/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]