This morning we traveled to the 9th ward. We were in the East end which is right next to Lake Ponchartrain. Less than half the homes in what was once a middle-class neighborhood are habitable. Our task today was to rip off an entire roof and reshingle. The weather was incredible, the high was in the 70’s with a breeze! The remnants of the storm posed no problems and we had to break-out the sun tan oil.
The gentleman who owns the home was there. He lost all of his personal possessions due to 8 feet of water standing in his home. He is tired and emotionally spent. He is a Vietnam Vet, has significant health issues and extremely grateful to have people “sent of God” to lend a hand!
The mission team worked without injury and we got 2/3rds of the roof ripped off and felt papered. Tomorrow we’ll finish the tear off and start shingling.
At Vespers tonight, many of our team expressed deep gratitude to be part of this group and ministry. We sense our church with us in support and prayer.
Blessings! Your New Orleans Mission Team