Watch our new campaign video!
In response to God’s generosity, we at Country Club Christian Church share with the world a legacy of love for worship, spiritual growth and service.
With this legacy, lives are transformed, relationships are born, forgiveness is received and joy multiplies to change the world.
Join us during this year’s Stewardship Campaign for four Sundays of special events and guest musicians as we celebrate the Legacy of Love Country Club Christian Church represents.
Sermon Series
The Legacy of Love sermon series will highlight the gifts of love we received from the founders of the frontier movement called “The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)” and from the founding pastor of our church, Dr. George Hamilton Combs, who came way out south of the city to begin a new church in 1920. During the turbulent 1960s, the nation and church faced unsettling moral upheavals and the church generously held fast to the convictions of Jesus. Now we stand on the precipice of a new age. What legacy of love will be ours?
Rev. Carla Aday preaching.
April 15 – Gospel/Jazz Singer Bukeka, with Dr. Paul Tucker at the piano.
April 22 – Vocal Trio of Kevin Briggs, Vicki Tucker, and Sharman Wilson. Pick up your stewardship packet in the Parlor that morning.
April 29 – String Theory Quartet: Andy Berry, guitar; Glenn Crocker, bass; David Soxman, mandolin; Julia Soxman, ukulele. A coffee cart will serve specialty coffees in the Parlor all morning.
May 6 – Pledge Sunday – Enjoy a light brunch in the parlor between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Music featuring soloist Shelle Jensen; the Sticks and Phone Orffestra; and the Country Club Singers with Youth Choir.
Your giving creates a …
Legacy of Spiritual Growth
God invites us to grow spiritually our whole lives, passing on the stories, experiences and knowledge we gain to generations to come. When we lovingly dedicate newborn babies, when our children share Bible stories learned in Sunday School, when adults are inspired to learn, question and act…we are living a legacy of love together. A few recent examples are:
- More than 500 participants in Pathways
- to Learning, Via Retreats and special presentations
- 10 new small groups launched
- Hosted author Gin Phillips for Building Community Book by Book
- Continued Prayer Ministry on the Road
- More than 200 children and families at both Trunk or Treat and Easter Egg Hunt events
- 150 children attended Vacation Bible School
Legacy of Service
God calls us to love our neighbors. The church responds by sharing God’s love through hands-on service such as tutoring or serving a nourishing meal to a homeless family. Financial support is aimed at alleviating hunger and empowering at-risk children through agency grants. And on mission trips, participants discover the mutuality of God’s love that unfolds in relationships. Some recent examples:
- 13,819 meals served to impoverished Kansas Citians
- 3,600 Backsnacks prepared for hungry kids
- 650 tutoring hours at Hartman Elementary School
- 528 hours at Grace at Work service days
- 187 hours of service for Della Lamb Operation Santa Claus
- Grants for local, domestic and international projects to address food insecurity and poverty
Legacy of Worship
Each Sunday we gather in a room where lives intersect and grace is present. Generations of families pray and sing together; new friends greet one another like family. Traditions are shared and created between the stained glass windows. Worship services enliven our souls, inspire us and send us forth as new people. We are transformed at God’s nourishing table. Recent examples include:
- Launched live streaming of Sunday worship
- Inspiring jazz vocalists, classical guitarists, Kansas City Brass on Sundays
- Chancel Choir, Celebration Singers, Jubilee Ringers, and Orffestra
- Candlelight Christmas Eve
- Continued successful Family Worship Nights, summer outdoor worship on the front lawn, prayer services in retirement homes
- 28 new members, 11 babies dedicated, 8 baptisms 28 funerals, 21 weddings
Ways to Pledge
- Bring your pledge card to worship on May 6.
- Email your pledge to Rachel Clement, Director of Finance.
- Click here.
2018 Stewardship Campaign Goals
- $1.2 Million in pledges
- 340 pledges
- 150 increased pledges
- 25 new pledges