This year’s Christmas Offering will go to three local partner agencies who are supporting our neighbors who are experiencing hunger and homelessness: Micah Ministries, Cross-Lines Community Outreach, and The Urban Farming Guys. Jason and Candy Fields from the Urban Farming Guys, share about their organization:
Throughout this year we have been able to adapt to the needs of the pandemic and keep lines of communications going strong within the neighborhood. Since March, we have delivered hot meals to hundreds of neighbors on a weekly basis and we continue to give lettuce and produce to nearby neighbors in need.
In the spring we supported hundreds of first time gardeners by donating 400 bags of organic fertilizer and thousands of plant starts to help people grow their own food. This amounted to around $30,000 worth of product that we used to empower others.
For two months, we hosted for a group of nine missionaries on their way to the Philippines who had nowhere to go when travel was banned. They were able to stay and jump in hands-on to practice what they’ll be doing overseas and participating in our outreach. They are now leaving quarantine in the Philippines and beginning their work. An amazing group of Jesus loving people, check them out here!
With your help, this year we continued construction on two low income houses. One now provides housing to a previously homeless person who does work for us. And recently, because of your past support, we were approached by a long-time volunteer who has recently become homeless. We were able to offer them a part time job doing construction cleanup while they look for other work.
Also because of your support in the past, we’ve been able to maintain our food growing capacity in the neighborhood 12 months out of the year! The food we grow keeps people employed and is finally self sustaining, bringing long term food security to the neighborhood.
We are deeply thankful for your partnership and the Light that God shines through you all!
Jason & Candy Fields & the Urban Farming Guys Team
To give to this year’s Christmas Offering, click here.