Click HERE to give to the Easter Offering
What image do you have of the homeless? For many of us it is the person with the sign standing at an intersection proclaiming their homelessness.
The reality is that the real face of homelessness is often hidden from us. Persons and families that find themselves homeless don’t want to broadcast their homelessness. They may try to live in their car or find a cheap motel and get a post office box. We don’t see them.
Imagine you are a young working family struggling to pay the rent on your apartment and afford childcare for your toddler. One of you gets sick and loses your job. You are unable to pay your rent and when you return home from searching for a job you find all your belongings on the curb. You have become one of the homeless. You need help. What do you do?
There are organizations that can and do help, and we have chosen three of these organizations to be the recipients of this year’s Easter offering.
reStart. reStart has comprehensive services to help the homeless. They welcome ALL people seeking help. They have an emergency shelter and case management to move people into housing and to connect them with available resources.
River of Refuge. River of Refuge is in Raytown and serves families throughout the metro. They are in the process of almost doubling their temporary housing units. They have case management staff and the individuals and families that graduate from their program move to permanent housing seldom returning to homelessness.
Community Assistance Council. The Council is in Grandview and they help provide rent and utility assistance to keep families from becoming homeless in an area experiencing increasing hardships.
Please give generously to the Easter Offering. Struggling families often need help with their rent and utilities and if they do become homeless, they need even more help.
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says “…I tell you this: whatever you did for one of my brothers here, however humble, you did for me.”
Please include the homeless in your prayers and give as you are able. Peace and blessings,