I’ve spent a lot of time the last couple of weeks working on sermon series ideas for the new year.  Lara, our Director of Communications, and Lauren, our Director of Church Growth, were very helpful in this process.  They let me know what sounded interesting and what sounded like an invitation to watch paint dry.  Well, they were not that mean but any time one of them says “That idea just doesn’t grab me,” what they are really saying is, “That idea stinks.”

I am really excited about the series being planned.  Right after the New Year I’ll present a two-parter titled, New Year’s Revolution. I got the idea for it from a Methodist minister I read online.  The sermons will build on the self-monitoring question, “How do I feel right now, and why?”  The minister, Ryan Gear, says, “It sounds simple, but it’s really not. Self-monitoring is, however, incredibly enlightening. It helps you to connect with your emotional life and discover how your past experiences influence the way you think, feel, and behave.”

The next series is titled, Confessions of A Preacher. There won’t be any front page worthy confessions (sorry!) but I will take three weeks to share some of the struggles that many of us preachers face.  I am pretty sure these issues will resonate with many of you too.

After that we’ll take on some of the hot topics of the day over three Sundays. The series is not yet titled.  In order to get ready for it I’m going to meet with the youth groups and let them ask me ANY question they would like.  ANY question!  I’ve done this with young people before and have found it to be a very refreshing way to find out what issues are most important in our world today.

My sermon series for Lent will focus on the theme, “The Journey.”  We often speak of Lent as the time to journey with Jesus on his way to Jerusalem.  I’ll preach the biblical texts that are being studied in several small groups in our congregation.  This is a great way for me to engage with the folks in the pews as we dive deeply into the ancient words of the Bible.

I’d love it if you would post your ideas or questions or thoughts on possible upcoming sermon ideas.  Leave me a note in the comments section below and maybe there will be a series on it in the near future.

– Glen