The day was warm, but the front door had been left open for an appliance delivery for the family who would soon be inhabiting this small home. A team from our church was there, through our partnership with Della Lamb Community Services, cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, setting up beds and putting dishes away. All morning there had been a buzz of activity as the crew worked to ensure this home’s new family—who was likely fleeing from some violent, war-torn part of the world—would have a safe and comfortable space to begin their new life.
Amid the activity, through the open door pawed a tiny black and white kitten. His fur was matted and he was scrawny, undernourished and very thirsty. They cuddled and petted the little guy, who relished the attention and purred his approval. He slept while the workers tended to their chores.

As they finished, one of the team members, Ruth Bradshaw (who happens to be my mom), couldn’t bear the thought of turning the kitten back out into the heat and uncertain future. After conferring with the Della Lamb employees and leaving her contact information should anyone report him lost, the wee feline was on his way to his very own safe and comfortable space to begin a new life.

Some days you prepare a new home for refugees and you end up with a little refugee of your own.

You may know that the Communications team at church has been working for a year on a redesign of the church’s web site. You’re going to be hearing a lot more about that soon. In the meantime, here’s a preview.

One of the priorities for the redesign from our Outreach, Missions and Special Offerings Ministry Team was the ability to review and sign up for service opportunities online. There are many way to serve: tasks on the church’s campus, projects across our community—like the refugee resettlement team through Della Lamb—and mission trips. By going to and clicking the Serve link, you can review volunteer options, fill out a form, and you will be on your way to connecting with a meaningful service opportunity.

While I can’t guarantee that you’ll find a sweet kitten wherever you choose to serve, I hope you will find this, and the other redesigned areas of the site, useful tools to connect with your faith community in ways that work for you.

And by the way, the kitten’s new name is Picasso, and he has completely taken over both Ruth’s home and her heart.
