Our popular 9:01 service moves to the front lawn starting Sun., May 28. Join us in this beautiful worship space as we enjoy fellowship, hear lively music, share in communion, and receive a message of hope and grace. Come as you are – ride your bike, bring your dog or walk to worship. Sidewalk chalk and bubbles will be out for children to enjoy.

Regarding Sunday Childcare this summer (beginning May 28, 2023):

9:01 Service. Children 4 and under will be meeting in Rooms 208 or 210. Ages 5 and older can worship with their families outside. Worship Busy Bags will be available for children.

10am and 11am Services. Children 1st grade and under will be meeting in Rooms 208 or 210.

Click Here for resources for Sunday’s 9:01 worship as this is a bulletin free service.