Luke 1: 25-38 

What could it mean to dream the impossible?  

In my living room is a ceramic figuring of Mary in the middle of a nativity scene. It was gifted to me this year from my grandmother, whose grandmother gave it to her decades ago. To me this year, it is much more than a gift to be given, it’s a story to retell. It is a story that we tell every year but it comes with a fresh perspective, a new hope, a new dream of what is and can be. 

Mary hears the words of an angel that she is going to have a child – and Mary questions “How can this be?” In her response there is question, and yet there is belief and embrace. Mary is astonished. She is moved into saying “yes” to God, accepting that the news is impossible and possible at the same time. She sees beyond the horizon that God is moving to give new life.  She responds with humility, grace and hope in God’s word. Perhaps we, like Mary, can hear the impossible is going to happen and have the amazing ability to dream of what can come ahead of us.  

We each have been given the invitation to help birth the Kingdom of God each day. Will we join God in continuing to dream and be in a world that may say, “that’s impossible.” What is the impossible?