Next year we will celebrate 100 years of vital ministry and joyful service through our church. As we rejoice in the great legacy we also look forward to the next 100! For more than a year, the Congregational Board and a Centennial Steering Committee have been discerning where God may be calling us as we consider our future.
Below you will find a link to a document that shares a bold vision. We invite you to read it with curiosity and prayer. Also included below is a link to a video from a recent First Impressions Town Hall gathering. If you were unable to attend one of these gatherings, I encourage you to view it at the link.
You will have an opportunity in the coming days to offer your responses through a feasibility study that is being conducted by Horizons Stewardship. The responses offered in this study are confidential. The results will help us consider and prepare for our first steps into our second century of serving God and our community.
Thank you for being a part of Country Club Christian Church, yesterday, today and tomorrow!