New Sermon Series “Changing the World”
In these final weeks before a national election, we have a tendency to stake our hope in our preferred candidate, forgetting that our hope and salvation are in God.
In these final weeks before a national election, we have a tendency to stake our hope in our preferred candidate, forgetting that our hope and salvation are in God.
The best movies touch us at deep places in our lives, and on a host of topics like forgiveness, relationships, justice, and love.
The Good Samaritan tells the story of a man injured on the side of the road. Two religious folk pass by but offer no aid.
During the summer the sunlight means longer days and time for play. And for many a season of travel.
The work of this community of faith is only possible with the generosity everyone shows day in and day out. We appreciate your commitment to Country Club Christian Church as we share God’s love across the metro area and the entire world.
The Nominating Committee would like to ask you to take a second to think about the people in your church community that you would like working for and representing you. The work of the church is more important than ever, here is a valuable way to be involved!
If you met Jesus for coffee once a week for half a year, what do you think would be your biggest takeaway? Join us as we go on this adventure to discover what Christ can teach us about life BEFORE death. Holy Week Palm Sunday | March 24 at 9:01, 10 and Read More...
As we begin a new year, many folks resolve to make space for God in the midst of a busy world full of competing demands.
We often turn to God to say “Help me” but sometimes we turn to God to say “Thank you”.
We wake up every morning to a divided world: A nation divided by culture wars. A globe divided by real wars. A society divided by halves and have-nots.
The fall activity guide is packed with opportunities to worship, learn, and find fellowship.
The 9:01 On The Lawn worship service is held in front of the church Sundays through Labor Day. Check-in, find song lyrics, see announcements and events, and tithe on through this page.
Our popular 9:01 service moves to the front lawn starting Sun., May 28. Join us in this beautiful worship space and hear a message of hope and grace. Come as you are!
During the six weeks leading to Easter we will explore some of the questions that many Christians wonder about as they travel along the journey of faith.
As our partnership with Scraps KC winds down, over 400 local teachers will be coming to our building to gather needed supplies. Sign up to welcome, help and direct them.