Walking with Worry
The list of worries is long. The surgeon general has recently released a report about the stress of parenting. But the kids are also anxious as they race from soccer to band.
The list of worries is long. The surgeon general has recently released a report about the stress of parenting. But the kids are also anxious as they race from soccer to band.
We were in cell phone contact with our friends who live in the direct path of Hurricane Helene on the Florida coast. They sustained significant losses to their property.
I listened to the podcast “Everything Happens” with Kate Bowler. Her guest was a former professor of mine, Dr. Richard Hayes.
Have you felt the arrival of the new season? Everyone is wearing red and talking about Mahomes, Kelce and Swift.
“If the only prayer you ever say in your life is Thank You, it will be enough,” said Meister Eckhart. Today I rejoice and thank God for creating and recreating a magnificent faith community that sits on the corner of 61st and Ward Parkway and extends grace around the city and justice around the globe.
When I married Dave 31 years ago, I inherited a unique extended family. In my own family there were cousins I barely knew and uncles you didn’t talk about without upsetting everyone.
For a long time, I believed that one of the joyful realities of the Christian life is that we are transformed. The word for transformation in Greek is “Metamorphosis”.
I’ve spent too much time this week thinking about bats. How can a little creature that weighs a half-ounce monopolize my time and discombobulate me so successfully?
I recently returned from “study week”. I stack up a huge pile of theology/scripture/fiction/spiritual books and come home wishing I was a faster reader!
With spiky orange hair and bulging eyeballs, she is an unlikely protagonist. But “Anxiety” takes center stage in Pixar’s latest animated film “Inside Out 2” which I preached about last Sunday
He was kneeling on both knees but every muscle in his legs were taut. His arms strained upwards to the sky. His spine arched backwards in a c curve. He was clearly reaching out in angst to plead with God.
Take one step on the tightrope. Careful. Balance. Breathe. Take another. Yes, it is that season again. Presidential debates, political rallies, partisan conventions and extra large yard signs all remind us that the season of the fall election is already upon us.
The Kleenex was for Jordan. Or maybe Peter. I always tuck in a few Kleenex or a lace hanky just inside the pocket of my wedding book so that if the bride or groom begin to drip tears during the vows, I can quietly slip them a tissue.
I was sitting in the parking lot of the cemetery when my niece called to discuss her wedding which is this weekend.
It was almost nine pm when I dropped off a friend at the church parking lot and noticed a car in the driveway. Initially alarmed, I quickly noticed a person behind the shrubs weeding and pruning the flower beds around the chapel.