Country Club Christian Church

The World Today

“The world is going to hell in a handbasket.” At least that’s what I heard her say in my cramped kitchen. A close friend, of the Boomer generation, recently expressed: “I’m afraid my grandkids will not grow up in the same world I grew up in.”

2024-10-18T07:33:42-05:00October 18, 2024|Categories: Articles|

Celebrating Our Community

“If the only prayer you ever say in your life is Thank You, it will be enough,” said Meister Eckhart. Today I rejoice and thank God for creating and recreating a magnificent faith community that sits on the corner of 61st and Ward Parkway and extends grace around the city and justice around the globe.

2024-09-13T08:12:30-05:00September 13, 2024|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

When You Feel Like Giving Up

"Optimism doesn't mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation. It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise." -- The Dalai Lama  I shared this quote at the communion table during two of our services this past Sunday.

2024-08-09T09:28:40-05:00August 9, 2024|Categories: Articles, Bryce Bowers|

The Struggle is Real

With spiky orange hair and bulging eyeballs, she is an unlikely protagonist. But “Anxiety” takes center stage in Pixar’s latest animated film “Inside Out 2” which I preached about last Sunday

2024-08-02T13:01:17-05:00August 2, 2024|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

Coming Home

He was kneeling on both knees but every muscle in his legs were taut. His arms strained upwards to the sky. His spine arched backwards in a c curve. He was clearly reaching out in angst to plead with God.

2024-07-26T08:28:01-05:00July 26, 2024|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

Walking the Tightrope

Take one step on the tightrope. Careful. Balance. Breathe. Take another. Yes, it is that season again. Presidential debates, political rallies, partisan conventions and extra large yard signs all remind us that the season of the fall election is already upon us.

2024-07-19T07:59:55-05:00July 19, 2024|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|
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