Country Club Christian Church

Tuesday Pre-Trip

it's tuesday.  thursday is the packing party (i went last year and there was a lot of packing and very little party.  i mean a party involves food, drinks, a pinata -- frivolity.  if your idea of a party is stephanie barking, "stuff that small vitamin bottle in there.  don't make me Read More...

2011-02-15T17:03:04-06:00February 15, 2011|Categories: 2011 Nicaragua Mission Trip|

2010 Nicaragua Mission Trip – Day 2

Time: 0730, Monday morning.Place: About to leave Managuaan early morning today, breakfast at 730.  i won’t bother you with trivial details like the weather (sunny and hot).about 6:45 am, the fire brigade assembled, moving box after box after box after suitcase after box after duffel after box after…you get the idea… Read More...

2010-02-22T17:22:21-06:00February 22, 2010|Categories: 2010 Nicaragua Mission Trip, Nicaragua Mission Trip Blogs|

2010 Nicaragua Mission Trip – Day 1, part 3

We are fortunate on this trip to have blog postings from two perspectives: this post is from mission trip veteran Lori Bennett, on her second trip to Nicaragua. Lori arrived in Managua with the second group on Saturday evening. Hola from Managua! The second group (the veterans) has arrived safely at CEPAD Read More...

2010-02-21T14:49:14-06:00February 21, 2010|Categories: 2010 Nicaragua Mission Trip, Nicaragua Mission Trip Blogs|
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