And They’re Off!

Adult leaders Tyler Heston, Nancy Lear, Lori Bennett and 15 sort-of-awake teenagers met at KCI today, June 6, at 4:00 a.m. (YES, that is early) to depart on their service/learning mission to Ecuador. Check back here for updates on their trip, which will be posted as the team has accessibility to wifi. Read More...

Puerto Rico Mission Pilgrimage – Monday, March 18

We planned on being at Morton Camp yesterday evening. I received a phone call Friday afternoon from our Ft. Lauderdale contact. An independent flight tracker site confirmed our fears - the flight was cancelled. Not the way we saw our Mission Trip beginning with a delay of travel plans. So, we did what you have to do: research, rebook, adapt!

2019-03-20T14:31:53-05:00March 20, 2019|Categories: Mission Trips, Puerto Rico Mission Trip 2019|

Puerto Rico Blog

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2019-03-13T14:02:35-05:00March 11, 2019|Categories: Puerto Rico Mission Trip 2019|

Pathways to Learning: Nicaragua Mission Trip Report

The 2018 Nicaragua mission trip team will share stories and photos from its recent trip at Pathways to Learning on Sun., Mar. 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the Social Hall. Join us that morning to learn about our mission partners in Nicaragua and the people of the small rural village of Brasil. Read More...

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