Country Club Christian Church

2018 Nicaragua Trip Begins

Day 1 began at the Nehemiah Center, CEPAD’s central headquarter in Managua. After a delicious breakfast (muy rico!), we gathered for an informal service, led by Rev. Sam. We started by sharing thoughts and anxieties about our week here, meaningful scripture and spent time praying for ourselves and one another. Toward the Read More...

2018-02-28T09:30:36-06:00February 26, 2018|Categories: 2018 Nicaragua Mission Trip Blog, Mission Trips, Mission Trips, Serve|

Republic Day

  January 26 is Republic Day in India, which celebrates the anniversary of the date the Indian Constitution became effective. The celebration here began in the morning with flag raising, speeches, singing and dancing at both the hospital and the school. In the afternoon and evening there were games and friendly competitions Read More...

A Big Day

  Yesterday was a big day! The Director of Medical Services for the entire State of Chattisgaar, along with other officials, visited the hospital and granted us permission to give vaccines. Today we are acquiring a refrigerator to store the vaccines and within a few days the vaccines will begin. This is Read More...

Hope and Healing

Eighty Six percent of the women deliver their babies at home. While “home birth” may seem like a romantic notion to those of us in the US, it is actually a critical health hazard in India. We are talking no pre-natal care, no sterile conditions. We are talking women with malnutrition and Read More...

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