Country Club Christian Church

Everyday Justice Field Trip

"Redlined” Exhibit at Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center Sat., July 9 The Everyday Justice ministry invites you to a field trip to the “Redlined: Cities, Suburbs, and Segregation,” an exhibit at the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center (8788 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, KS). The exhibit takes visitors on a deep Read More...

Native Plant Sale – Pre-Orders Only

Spring is here and we could all use some outside time so take a look at the native plants available for pre-order! These will arrive in time for spring planting! Restoring native plant habitat is vital to preserving biodiversity. By creating a native plant garden, each patch of habitat becomes part of a Read More...

Uprooting Racism: Everyday Justice

The last few years have fully revealed to us the deep roots of injustice in our community, our country, our world. God calls us to do justice – and we are seeking to answer the call. Doing justice is a daily action, individual and communal. And it takes us supporting one another as we commit Read More...

Warmth Packs for Micah Ministries

Each Monday evening volunteers offer meals through the Micah Ministries at Independence Boulevard Christian Church. Many of those being served may be without adequate shelter or homes which becomes even more challenging in winter. Metro Missions Team will be collecting items and monetary donations for warmth packs to be shared for Christmas. Donations of water-proof winter gloves in sizes Read More...

2021-12-01T09:52:33-06:00December 1, 2021|Categories: Give, Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

100 Trees Planted in Northeast KC

Church members gathered on Sat., Oct. 9 at Concourse Park to plant trees throughout the park and into the surrounding neighborhoods in the Northeast Kansas City as a service component marking our centennial celebration. Working with Heartland Tree Alliance (HTA), trees were planted in the park area, on street property and in individual neighbors' Read More...

2021-10-18T10:47:36-05:00October 18, 2021|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Grace at Work Partnership Day – Della Lamb

Saturday, Nov 13 9:00 - 10:30 or 10:30 - Noon The Metro Mission Team is seeking volunteers to help with Della Lamb's Operation Holidays. Volunteers will be inventorying and sorting items and donations. We will be working inside the large gym with masking and safety protocols. Two shifts are available. Children are welcome to help Read More...

2021-11-15T11:19:14-06:00July 21, 2021|Categories: Serve Our Church|
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