Country Club Christian Church

Uprooting Racism: Celebrating Black History

February is Black history month, a time in which people across and beyond our country take extra effort to learn about and celebrate the rich legacy and history of Black individuals and communities. By celebrating Black history month, we have a chance to take a fresh look at our collective history and Read More...

2021-02-10T17:47:44-06:00February 10, 2021|Categories: Adult-ministry, Congregational Care, Connect, Serve, Serve Our Church, Youth Ministry|

2021 Souper Bowl of Caring

Drive Through Donations Sun., Feb. 7 •  noon - 2:00 pm in the south lot Children and Youth Ministries invite you to participate in this year's Drive Through Souper Bowl of Caring by bringing monetary donations and/or soups, mac-n-cheese or jars of peanut butter to church on Sun., Feb. 7.  These donations will Read More...

2021-01-21T09:27:41-06:00January 19, 2021|Categories: Children & Families, Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church, Youth Ministry|

2020 Christmas Offering: Urban Farming Guys

This year’s Christmas Offering will go to three local partner agencies who are supporting our neighbors who are experiencing hunger and homelessness: Micah Ministries, Cross-Lines Community Outreach, and The Urban Farming Guys. Jason and Candy Fields from the Urban Farming Guys, share about their organization: Throughout this year we have been able to Read More...

2020-12-23T16:15:06-06:00December 23, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church, Uncategorized|

2020 Christmas Offering: Cross-Lines Community Outreach

This year's Christmas Offering will go to three local partner agencies who are supporting our neighbors who are experiencing hunger and homelessness: Micah Ministries, Cross-Lines Community Outreach, and The Urban Farming Guys. Kelly Carpenter, Director of Development and Marketing at Cross-Lines, shares more about the work of this organization. Cross-Lines Community Outreach has been Read More...

2020-12-17T09:38:00-06:00December 17, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Ongoing Service Opportunities

Our staff, clergy and ministry teams continue to provide support to members of our congregation, and our community through our mission partners. If you would like to serve, please consider the following opportunities. COVID-19 Financial Assistance Country Club Christian Church has established the COVID-19 Financial Assistance program to provide temporary relief to Read More...

2020-12-14T10:36:57-06:00December 1, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

October Collection Connection

In October we are collecting hygiene items for our mission partners, including shampoo, body wash, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Shampoo and body wash can be larger bottles; agencies will re-package for distribution.  Donations can be left in donation box at the east entrance to the church, Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

2020-10-05T09:29:26-05:00October 5, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Collection Connection – Uniforms for Hartman Elementary

We will continue to collect school supplies and new and gently used school uniforms for the children at Hartman Elementary in September: white or navy polo shirts, navy or khaki pants, shorts, skirts, and jumpers. You may participate by ordering online and having items delivered to church, making a monetary donation by Read More...

2020-09-08T09:41:53-05:00September 8, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Prescription Bottles for Micah

We are collecting empty prescription bottles for Micah Ministry who repurposes them after sterilizing for distribution of body soap, shampoo and other hygiene needs. You may leave bottles in the collection bin at the east entrance to the church Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

2020-08-17T13:50:12-05:00August 17, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|
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