Country Club Christian Church

Supporting our Partners – Sheffield Place

This week the church sent a virtual hug of appreciation and support to one of our mission partners, Sheffield Place, by sponsoring a meal for 44 residents and staff. Sheffield Place, located in northeast Kansas City, has faced unique challenges during the stay-at-home order, with many families with children in residence sheltering in place, Read More...

2020-04-30T14:50:09-05:00April 30, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Feeding the Hungry

At the present time the best way to support our food and meal programs is through monetary contributions to our “Virginia Reed Food Drive.” We are distributing donations every week. a) Mail a check to church, note "food" in memo line. b) Click this link and choose Food Drive from the drop Read More...

2020-04-20T11:58:01-05:00April 13, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Thank You for Your Gifts

We are thankful for your support and encouragement during this difficult time, and we are especially grateful for your continued financial support, which will allow the church to serve in ministry with you through creativity and innovation. If you would like to share your weekly offering electronically, please click here.

2020-03-24T09:50:02-05:00March 24, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Caring for Creation: Choices Matter

In January, Pathways to Learning speaker Kristin Riott, executive director of Bridging the Gap, shared an informative and thought provoking presentation on the environmental health of Kansas City. Riott touched on many areas where individuals and the community can have a positive influence. Here are some facts to consider: What you eat Read More...

2020-03-24T09:51:55-05:00March 12, 2020|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Native Plant Sale

What do milkweed, garden phlox, wild ginger and purple coneflower have in common? Besides being native perennials (which require less water after the first year, are grown without pesticides and feed/support pollinators), these varieties along numerous other native plants are available for pre-order on Sundays. Find a visual display of choices on Read More...

2020-03-24T09:51:32-05:00February 12, 2020|Categories: Adult-ministry, Congregational Care, Connect, Serve, Serve Our Church, The Well|
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