Country Club Christian Church

The Conversation Continues

One way to describe a sermon is as “a small piece of the Church’s ongoing conversation.” There are obviously two sides to that equation: there is what gets said prior to any given sermon that preachers account for (scholarly commentaries and everyday conversations), as well as the discourse that continues afterward, when the sermon is no longer the preacher’s but hopefully living on in the people who heard it.

2023-06-22T22:03:20-05:00June 21, 2023|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves, Uncategorized|

Where Is Your Church? 

By Rev. Joe Walker, Minister of Congregational Care If someone were to ask, “Where is your church,” how would you answer that question? Likely, your first response would be to give the location of the physical building, “It’s that beautiful gothic church on Ward Parkway.” During these summer months, you might also pause Read More...

2023-06-18T07:58:34-05:00June 18, 2023|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker, Uncategorized|

Next 100 Groundbreaking Blends Generations to Continue a Legacy

The sun was not shining, but the excitement in the air and the smiles on faces definitely brightened the “Next 100 Groundbreaking” that was held on Sunday, March 26, 2023. Over 150 people of all ages gathered on the east side of the church where the most visible renovations will be taking place.


Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. Children 3 and under, bring your family for breakfast! We will be serving pancakes and have toys available in the Social Hall. Come meet parents with children of similar age.

2023-03-05T15:18:02-06:00February 28, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Advent Sermon Series 2022

We know the story of Jesus born in a manger. Shepherds, angels and wise men appear on Christmas cards, as nativity sets and even on stained glass windows, to remind us of his birth. But did you know there are four unique perspectives in the Bible about Jesus’ arrival among us? 

2022-12-21T21:54:57-06:00November 23, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|


Join Catherine and April at Franklin Park (Roe Ave & Somerset Dr.). THIS THURSDAY! Oct. 20, 3 - 5pm. We will have snacks! Invite friends and find us under a tree or at the picnic tables.

2022-10-26T11:47:01-05:00October 17, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|


A team consisting of several church staff and members gathered at River of Refuge to assemble a shed to serve as storage for bikes and outdoor equipment. After a recent tour of the facility, with Pam Seymour (Executive Director) sharing outdoor equipment was prone to stealing even with a secured gated area, a private donation of a Read More...

2022-10-17T11:16:11-05:00October 17, 2022|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Uncategorized|

Change of Season

All this autumnal beauty is a halo around winter’s death and dormancy. This sublime enchantment is a last act, a valedictory display only possible because these leaves are starving. They will not go gentle into the night but blaze against the dying of their light. And here I am: stunned and grateful Read More...

2022-10-14T13:59:15-05:00October 14, 2022|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Uncategorized|

Club Kids Grace at Work

Sunday, Oct. 16 | 12:00 - 2:30pm 3rd - 5th Graders will eat lunch together in the Youth Center and then head to Grace United to help winterize the gardens. No skill needed, just a willing spirit, water bottle and work gloves! We have seats for 8 and will then need a Read More...

2022-10-26T11:46:33-05:00October 10, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|
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