Every year during this season, we have an opportunity to share in the Christmas offering, benefiting outreach and mission partners in our community.
This year, our generous gifts will aid in alleviating hunger for our neighbors in Kansas City through our partners at Cross-Lines Community Outreach, Harvesters Community Food Network, and Micah Ministry.
The reality of food insecurity is devastating. Many of our neighbors have enough to eat today, but don’t know where they will find their next meal. The faces of hunger often go unseen each day in our workplaces, schools, and neighbor-hoods. We as a community can reach out and proclaim that no person should be left hungry.
Harvesters estimates that every year 100,000 children go home to bare cabinets at night, on weekends, and during summer break. Through its elementary school Back-Snack program, Harvesters feeds children during these crucial times of food insecurity.
Cross-Lines Community Outreach sees the working families in our community who struggle to keep food at home. Breakfast and lunch are served daily in Cross-Lines’ Community Kitchen and sack lunches are provided to individuals on their way to work. In addition, Cross-Lines’ Food Pantry supplies table-stable food for families and senior citizens for months at a time.
Micah Ministry, at Independence Boulevard Christian Church, opens its doors every Monday night to over 500 neighbors from all different backgrounds, professions, family styles, and living situations. This banquet of community and grace provides each person with table-service, hospitality and dignity that many who are facing hunger are often with-out.
Our partners see the face of hunger every day. Your gifts during this Christmas season will benefit each of these organizations working to help alleviate hunger so that our neighbors can work, go to school, and raise families without the anxiety of where their next meal is coming from.
Please give generously to support our partners in their work. Our goal is to provide each of these organizations with a gift of $10,000, or more if possible. Click here to give online, or place your check in the collection tray on Sunday. Please mark your check Christmas Offering.