This year the Outreach Grants and Special Offerings Team has designated housing for homeless veterans and Haitians whose homes were lost to Hurricane Matthew.
Homelessness often breeds hopelessness and a downward spiral that rarely ends well. This year’s Easter offering will be used to give hope and a lift to two communities that are homeless: veterans in our community and families in Haiti whose homes were destroyed by Hurricane Matthew.
Locally, the Veteran’s Community Project is working to build a community of tiny houses that will be provided to homeless veterans. The tiny houses will provide more than shelter and an address. They will provide a community of support and hope for a better future. Half of our Easter offering will be given to this tiny house project. $15,000 will build and furnish a tiny house and provide utilities and other services for a veteran for a year. With your generous support, we can build a tiny house. For more information click here.
Last September a community of 30 families in Haiti was almost completely destroyed by Hurricane Matthew, leaving 200 plus people without shelter. House of Hope has been providing food and helping the community with temporary shelter while helping the community rebuild. They need our support to help supply building materials for this effort.
House of Hope is a priority project of Global Ministries and you can find out more about the work they do by visiting the Global Ministries web site.
Please support the Easter Offering with a generous gift. Mark your gift “Easter Offering” and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday, or click here to give electronically today.