We all experience pain in our lives – physical, emotional, mental. Sometimes it feels excruciating, but most often, we deal with more “ordinary” pain – hurt feelings, a cold, feeling lonely. We’ll explore the realities of pain in our culture, and learn about how we can work through our pain and be a healing and helpful presence for others.
10:00 a.m. Everyone welcome
Sun., Apr. 10 – Politics of Pain.
Myra Christopher, Center for Practical Bioethics.
Social Hall
Sun., Apr. 17 – Being Helpful: When Children Hurt.
Dr. Rochelle Harris, Clinical Psychologist with Children’s Mercy; Julia Harkleroad, LMFT Licensed Play Therapist; Dr. Allison Hettinger, pediatrician.
Social Hall
Sun., Apr. 24 – The Compassionate Response – panel of chaplains.
Rev. Beth Sonneville, chaplain at Children’s Mercy; Rev. Lee Franklin, chaplain at North Kansas City Hospital; Rev. Chuck Murphy, Chaplain, Armour Oaks Senior Living.