Coauthor of The Power of Half to speak on Nov. 10
News Release
Read Rev. Carla Aday’s column about this event.
Listen to Kevin Salwen’s interview on Kansas City’s morning news with EJ and Ellen.
Kevin Salwen, coauthor with his daughter of The Power of Half: One Family’s Decision to Stop Taking and Start Giving Back, will speak on Wed., Nov. 10 as part of the Pathways to Learning on “Money: Faithful Approaches.”
A reception in the parlor at 6:00 p.m. will precede the talk. The event is free and open to the public.
Mr. Salwen spent 18 years writing and editing at the Wall Street Journal, then left to create his own company in 2000 and has been an entrepreneur ever since.
He was living with his wife and two teenagers in Atlanta when his 14-year-old daughter, Hannah, noticed a homeless man sitting next to a Mercedes. She said, “You know Dad, if that man had a less nice car, that man there could have a meal.” What followed was the family decision to sell their house and give half of the proceeds to charitable causes in which they deeply believed.
Along the way, the Salwens tried to figure out how much was the right amount to give to charity, both in time and money. The Half project also transformed the Salwen family, heightening their trust in one another, empowering the kids, building a deeper connection.
The three-part Pathways to Learning on “Money: Faithful Approaches” also includes a presentation on Sun., Nov. 7 by Chris Lester, Senior Vice President/Business Growth for the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, and on Sun., Nov. 14 by Dr. Todd Adams, Associate General Minister and Vice President of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). These two programs will be at 9:55 a.m. in the Social Hall.