“A brighter future does not require us all to achieve an enlightened way of life. It requires only that each one of us, wherever we may be, take a single step towards it.”
— Alexi Murdoch

I tried for a long time to be a resolutions guy.

I’ve tried my best over the years to be that person who makes great resolutions in the new year. I would make these lists and be ready to change my life for the better. Less weight. More money. Life-hacking strategies.

They never stuck.

So a few years ago, after taking inspiration from another clergy friend, I switched up my New Year strategy. Instead of resolutions, I would create a “new year theme.” I take some time, analyze where I am in life, and decide a word or two that I’d like to embrace in the next year. For example, this year the two themes I have chosen are “intentionality” and “values.” In years past, it has been “clarity,” “open,” and “family.”

Some years it works. Some it doesn’t. But for me, going with a theme allows for some flexibility to let the Spirit move in ways that I might not expect with hard and fast resolutions.

If you make resolutions, and they work for you, good. I’d love to hear about them. However, if you are looking for a different approach, I invite you to consider what words or phrases you might want to be the theme for your 2025 and commit to them. Write them down, stick them on your bathroom mirror, or set a once-a-month calendar reminder to keep it front and center. Maybe it is words like “connection” or “community.” Maybe it is “hope” or “love.” Maybe it is “service” or “creativity.” Whatever it may be, I’d love to hear about what the Spirit might be drawing you to.

Whether you set a theme or not, my prayer for you at the start of 2025 is that you remain open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that no matter what happens you find the light of God within yourself and those around you. Finally, my prayer for you is that we continue to believe in the power of community for we are much stronger together than we ever are alone.

Grace and Peace,