By Leeann Blundell, Board Chair
We are well-positioned for this transition to “life after Glen.” We are financially sound and have committed servant leaders with very capable staff to keep things humming along. Also, our annual vision of ministry process ensures that we remain in touch with current needs.
We are taking a different (more flexible) approach by not rushing into naming an interim or conducting a national search. The Personnel Committee considered a variety of approaches and decided to take this very important task one step at a time.
- Form a different kind of committee to discern, meaning to recognize your needs. They are listening to the congregation – so thank you for completing the Senior Minister Survey, which is now closed.
- Once all of input is reviewed, a job description will be drafted.
- With that job description in hand, the Personnel Committee will first consider any interested internal candidates.
- The Personnel Committee and Congregational Board plan to meet in March to review all of the available information and think through next steps.