Lara Schopp, Director of Communications
W hen Glen Miles was the Senior Minister, he used to tell a story about good-hearted and well-intentioned lay leader who was passionate about a church project. “Glen, we’ve got to tell more people about this. Nobody knows it’s happening. We need to promote it. It needs to be in our communications.”
Glen pulled out the most recent copy of the church newsletter and pointed to the cover article which was all about this person’s project, complete with photos, details and a call to action.
The leader shrugged and said, “Eh, nobody reads the newsletter.”
On staff we joke about that story. Communicating with a large and diverse group of folks about dozens of ministry areas, opportunities and events can be daunting. People absorb information differently; some weeks you might not have time to read the whole Friday email; if you miss a week or two of worship you might miss details. Sometimes we think we have over-promoted an event, only to have folks tell us they knew nothing about it.
So as we enter 2019, I want to remind you about the top five ways to stay informed about what’s going on at church.
1. Read the newsletter email. If it’s been a while since you’ve checked it out, I invite you to give it a new look. We’re featuring highlights in the body so you can briefly scan the three or four things we think are most important for that week. When you have more time you can click into the link for the full layout version. (And yes, I recognize the irony of a column asking you to read the newsletter, published in the newsletter I’m asking you to read…)
2. If you have kids, make sure you’re getting our Thursday emails with information specific to your kids’ ages. Email [email protected] to be added to these updates.
3. Follow us on social media. During December we posted daily Advent devotions, we post photos and videos, and we always try to keep you informed.
4. Check out the web site at We strive to keep it up to date and easy to search.
5. Come to worship. In addition to the newsletter that’s in your bulletin each week, you’ll hear highlights from Carla or Mike, you’ll see promotional information around the building, and you’ll get a chance to chat with people who can give you details you need.
I look forward to communicating with you this year!