Tune My Heart
Thank you to all who have participated in the Tune My Heart Stewardship Campaign by turning in a commitment card. If you have not already turned in your card, it is not too late to do so. You may drop it in the offering tray on Sundays, click here to make your pledge securely online, or email your pledge to Rachel Clement, Director of Finance. Follow up calls will begin in June.
Your giving creates opportunities for …
Spiritual Growth
God invites us to grow spiritually our whole lives, passing on the stories, experiences and knowledge we gain to generations to come. When we dedicate newborn babies, when our children share Bible stories learned in Sunday School, when adults are inspired to learn, question and act…our hearts are tuned to the grace of spiritual growth. A few recent examples are:
- Revitalized Children’s and Youth Ministries.
- Connections group for individuals ages mid- 20s to mid-40s formed.
- Backyard Bash, evenings of food, fellowship and fun, launched and continuing this summer.
- Monday night classes with Mike Graves averaging 50 in attendance.
- New opportunities for parents: Parents Night Out, Moms Meet-Up, Parent Play Date, parenting classes.
- Circles of Care, providing consistent opportunities for Elders and Deacons to develop relationships with our homebound members.
God calls us to love our neighbors. The church responds by sharing God’s love through hands-on service such as tutoring or serving a nourishing meal to a homeless family. Financial support is aimed at alleviating hunger and empowering at-risk children through agency grants. On mission trips, participants discover the mutuality of God’s love that unfolds in relationships. Some recent examples:
- Mission trips to Houston, Puerto Rico, Ecuador (youth in June and adults in October) and Des Moines (middle school).
- More than 10,000 meals served to those experiencing hunger in Kansas City.
- 3,200 BackSnacks packed for children.
- 385 hours of tutoring at Hartman Elementary School.
- 692 hours serving refugee families through Della Lamb Community Services.
- Grants for local, domestic and international projects focusing on education, poverty, and environmental sustainability.
There is perhaps no space more associated with this year’s Stewardship theme than our sacred worship spaces, where our voices meld in the shared offering of beloved hymns; where choirs and musicians inspire and enliven us; and where we are communally nourished by shared traditions, warm greetings and the hope and grace that accompanies transformation. In the last year we have enhanced worship in these ways:
- New 9:01/Sacred Space, Modern Message service designed for families with young children.
- Pick Up Choir and Orffestra, offering more individuals the opportunity to participate in music ministries.
- Families and youth members participating in worship as scripture readers and liturgists.
- New sound equipment and lighting to enhance worship in the Sanctuary and Chapel.
- Worship Task Force meeting on ways to enhance and grow the vitality of worship life.
- Live streaming viewership continues to increase.