Tepring Crocker will serve as chair of the Congregational Board for the 2020-2021 church year. Tepring has been a member for 20 years, having originally been drawn to Country Club Christian Church for its music and choral program, and its message that appeals to both head and heart. She has previously served as an elder, on the board since 2017, on the communications ministry team, as community camp lay leader, and orffestra director.
Tepring is a lifelong member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination and the daughter of a minister. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music composition but has spent much of her career in technology. She and her husband, Glenn, live in Overland Park. Their son, Ben, just completed his freshman year at KU, and their daughter, Elizabeth, will be a junior at Blue Valley North. Tepring and Glenn run a content, marketing and web development firm. When she’s not working or at church, she enjoys all things Star Trek and cheering for Elizabeth and Glenn’s robotics team.
During her term as board chair, Tepring’s goals include navigating the uncertainties of the moment and positioning our church to be stronger on the other side.
“My mantra for the times: When you can’t see the future, all you can do is the next, right thing,” she said. She also apologizes in advance for all the Disney and Sci Fi quotes the board will have to endure over the next year.
Jayson Parker will chair the elders for the 2020-2021 church year. Jayson has been a member of the church since 2006 and has served many leadership roles, including as an elder, on the congregational board, as a leader for YaWhose young adult group, and on the Celebration Dinner and Auction planning team.
Jayson grew up in south Kansas City. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business and administration from Saint Louis University and an MBA from the University of Kansas. He is a product manager for Ringmaster Technologies. He and his wife, Jen, and their daughter Gretta, live in Brookside with their two pugs.
During his term as elder chair, Jason hopes to be a conduit for organic, congregation-driven idea generation, action and growth.
“I’m deeply humbled to hold the position of this year’s Chair of the Elders. I turn myself over to this congregation and the guiding light of our Lord, Jesus Christ,” Jayson said. “I faithfully anticipate the upcoming year and the journey we’re called to embark. I pray that together we will dare to love each other more, pursue activities that build community and reap the rewards of God’s living water.”