I always get to write a newsletter article during the time you are responding to the stewardship campaign. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It is so I get to tell you each year how you amaze me. This church can’t make the difference it makes without you! The gifts that you provide make a difference. It is easy to know that when you give to a special offering, like Easter or Christmas, the impact it will have. But I often wonder if you know how important your everyday gifts are to this church. Our young families are becoming more engaged through our revitalized worship service. The children and youth are more involved than ever. More than 10,000 meals were served to impoverished Kansas Citians. Over 500 adults participated in small groups outside of worship. Your everyday gifts accomplished these things. I feel that our theme for this year, Tune My Heart, is so very fitting. It reminds us to focus on God’s grace as we celebrate the many gifts of time, talent, and treasure which comprise our church family.
Many of you have already responded to this year’s campaign, but if you haven’t, I encourage you to think about your level of giving. We can’t pull off all of these wonderful things without your support. Whether you give on a regular basis or give on occasion, I ask you to remember how powerful your gifts are. The stewardship committee asked you to prayerfully consider a 10 percent increase in your pledge. If you already turned in your commitment card, but would like to increase your gift, feel free to contact me! But everyone’s personal story is different, and the decision on how much to give is a personal one. Your gifts matter, no matter the amount.
There are many ways to make your monthly or annual gifts. We offer electronic giving via your checking account or credit card. Many members gift stock to the church. Then of course we always accept your cash or check! If you would like to discuss your pledge or giving, please contact me. My office hours are Monday (8:30-4:30), Tuesday and Thursday (8:30-2:30). Even if you don’t have a question or concern, pop in and say hi so I can put a face with a name.
Thank you for all your thoughtful and generous support of your church.