One of the great highlights of my career has been the opportunity to serve with my colleague and friend, The Rev. Dr. George B. Gordon.  During the last six years together in ministry, we have laughed and cried, prayed and dreamed, planned and studied, worshipped and welcomed in ways that have blessed me more than I could have imagined.  At the beginning of my work here at 61st and Ward Parkway, George was a great source of help as he took me aside on more than one occasion in order to help me learn the story of this great church.  It has been my great joy to be his co-worker in Christ.

George’s 33 years of service as the Minister of Congregational Care for Country Club Christian Church have been a blessing to hundreds, perhaps thousands of members and friends of this congregation. For three decades George has been there in moments of great joy and times of tremendous sorrow.  During this period he has been the one to see many of you through personal crises and opportunities for spiritual growth. 

Through his time here George has served under four different senior ministers.  Learning to work with the management styles and visionary approaches of each was no easy task!  George was asked about that recently. He smiled and with his dry wit firmly in place said, “Well, no matter who the mayor is we still need to keep the hospital open!”

George’s dry but light-hearted sense of humor, his gracious approach and his deep desire to serve God have been an amazing set of gifts for this church.  I am asked often, “What does it mean to be a follower of Christ, to be a Christian?”  That is not an easy question but now that I have had the pleasure of observing George during these years I can answer by saying, “Well, let me tell you about a man I know, one who truly follows Jesus.”

Thank you, George, for loving this church, for giving your life to ministry and for the opportunity to become your friend.

Grace and Peace to you,
