Dina Pannabecker Evans, Executive Director of Operations
If you were in the sanctuary for the 11:00 a.m. service on Sun., Mar. 10, you heard Steve Bough make an announcement about the next scheduled Pick-Up Choir and Pick-Up Orffestra for Sun., Mar. 31.
Steve’s lively announcement started with his informing the congregation that they were about to participate in a test of their Christian Faith. The test included singing the concluding phrase of two songs that Steve bravely launched solo voce (“Jesus loves the little children . . .” and “Zacchaeus was a wee little man…”), and then repeat the clapping rhythm that Steve demonstrated (the “varsity” move). Turns out that it wasn’t really a test – it was a try-out and everyone passed. By their participation, the congregation was fully eligible to join the Pick-Up Choir and Orffestra.
I can attest that pitch-matching and reliable rhythms are important to the music of the church. What you don’t see from the pew on a Sunday morning is the way that the choir members minister to each other and the warm ways in which they welcome new folks to the fold. You don’t see how they quietly touch base on Wednesdays and Sundays to see how the week is going with their colleagues, and, tipped-off by the names on the choir calendar, sharing well-wishes with the people who have signed out for future rehearsals and services, noting their upcoming absence, and looking forward to their return.
Rehearsals will be at 10:00 a.m. in the choir room and the sanctuary (Orffestra), and the music will be offered directly following during the 11:00 a.m. service. If you wish to have a copy of the choir anthem – “Abide with Me” by Gilbert Martin – in advance, they are in a folder on the piano in the choir room so that you can sign a copy out.
Your musical skills will be an enhancement to the group – your heart to serve and care for others will make for the greatest dynamic in the room.