The Latin and Greek words for Lent can be translated as “Forty Days” and “Fortieth.” The Sundays between Ash Wednesday and Easter are not included as part of the 40 days. If they were, Lent would be 46 days long.
In our scriptures, 40 days is often used to mark a significant struggle that results in a transformation. God called Moses to spend 40 days and 40 nights alone with him on Mt. Sinai. Those 40 days and nights transformed Moses so that he was able to lead the people of Israel through 40 years of struggling before they were able to enter the promised land.
The Holy Spirit called Jesus to spend 40 days in the Wilderness following his baptism. There he struggled with temptation and was transformed from Jesus the carpenter to Jesus the Christ.
Jonah proclaimed that in 40 days the City of Nineveh would be overthrown. The people of Nineveh struggled to repent and put on sackcloths and ashes. At the end of 40 days they were transformed from a doomed people to a forgiven people.
How are you called to struggle during the 40 days of Lent? Will you be called to struggle with changing an activity that has become detrimental to your health like eating too much or watching too much TV? Will you be called to struggle with beginning a new activity that may become a beneficial part of your routine? Or will you choose not to struggle at all and not answer the call?
I hope that whatever you struggle with during Lent that you will find it transforming in a wonderful positive way and that when Easter arrives you will be able to say “He has Risen!” with new enthusiasm.
Peace and blessings,