Serve Our Community
Here are ways we can serve together
The Metro Mission Ministry is the central point of information for the many local service and ministry opportunities available through the church. If you are looking for a service opportunity, please contact the Main Church Office: 816-333-4917 or browse our partner organization’s opportunities below.
Collection Connection
Donate requested “item(s) of the month” or make a financial gift to the Collection Connection. Read the weekly newsletter for information about the items being collected throughout the year. Past examples include toothbrushes for Nicaragua, personal hygiene items for Christmas stockings, and yarn for the knitting ministry.
Virginia Reed Food Drive
Ways to Give to the Food Drive – We have three easy ways to share the bounty with the hungry in our community:
- Make a financial contribution to the Virginia Reed Food Drive on the Harvesters Community Food Network website.
- Make a financial contribution to the church and mark your check or giving envelope “food drive.” You may place these gifts in the offering plate during worship.
- Participate in Souper Bowl Sunday, an annual winter campaign to raise funds for local food agencies.