The Whole World in His Hands
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible teaches us how to treat the other. Is she a foreigner? A resident alien? A stranger? The witness of our sacred text compels us to love the other as we would love ourselves.
New Service Corps Explorers kicking off in February!
During these cold winter months, join one of these four teams to find warmth in serving others and making new friends.
New Sermon Series beginning Feb. 2, “Women in the Bible”
The Bible was written when patriarchy ruled the day, with women’s lives and their stories often ignored, even maligned.
From year around experiences to special celebrations, children at Country Club Christian Church are an involved and integral part of our congregation.
Country Club Christian Church’s Youth Ministry serves grades 6-12 and has various opportunities for faith formation and relationship.
We believe it’s important to be informed and curious about the world. We have a long history of theological openness, we prioritize study and learning, and we offer many opportunities for fellowship and community.