By John Cockle
I began singing in the Chancel Choir eight years ago. Prior to that, I had no music training and had no previous experience singing in a choir. You may be asking yourself “Why in the world did you join the Chancel Choir?”
Well, it had nothing to do with singing ability (opinions may differ, but I thought I sounded pretty good singing in the shower) or the ability to read music (I could not). No, my reason for joining was to encourage our two teenage children, Beth and Matt, to sing in the Chancel Choir. My wife, Lynn, was already a member of the choir, and I had visions of us becoming the “Cockle Family Singers.” I told Beth and Matt that I would join if they would do the same. Our children did not stay in the choir for long, as they both headed off to college, but I was hooked.
To this day, I cannot read music, although Paul Tucker disagrees. Sure, I can look at the notes and can tell if my part goes higher or lower, and usually I can even tell when I am supposed to “come in” based on what the other parts are doing. But if you ask me what a particular note is, or what the key is, I will stare back at you like a deer in the headlights. Nevertheless, according to Paul, what I am doing is reading music, at least well enough to sing in the choir.
Singing in the choir has enriched my worship experience. Before I would sing in the congregation but I sang very softly, not wanting to “stand out.” I now find unison singing much less satisfying than harmonizing with others. For me, singing in the choir is a moving experience. Sometimes I am moved to tears.
We are seeking greater participation in the music ministry. If you can carry a tune, play an instrument or if you just have an appreciation for music, we invite you to musically worship with us. Simply contact a member of any of our musical groups and express your interest. You will be warmly welcomed, just as I was.
Summer is a good time to start. During the summer months, the Chancel Choir has put out an open invitation to join us for a single rehearsal with no obligation to continue. The next rehearsal is Aug. 3.
I am confident that if you come to any of the musical ensemble rehearsals for a visit, you will want to continue to join in our musical worship. You too will ask yourself, “how can I keep from singing?”