Country Club Christian Church

About admincccckc

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So far admincccckc has created 551 blog entries.

Imposing and Impossible Texts

Oct. 17, 24, 31, 7:00 p.m. The first five books of the Bible (aka, the Torah) are full of wonderful, heartwarming... and troubling stories. Led by respected scholar and Rabbi, Michael Zedek, we’ll explore some of these challenging narratives together.

2022-10-31T15:04:55-05:00October 7, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Book Recommendations

Late each summer I usually write a “book column” about my favorite novels of the year. But I’m in a dry spell. Oh I’ve been reading. But most of the fiction I’ve read lately leaves me with a “hmm,” not a “wow.” Maybe you will send me some suggestions! But for now, I have a few non-fiction recommendations and then a few of my all time favorite novels from years past.

2022-09-26T16:35:02-05:00September 26, 2022|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

Grace At Work Partnership Day

Saturday, September 24, Various shifts between 9 am - 2 pm | All are invited to help our mission partner Micah Ministry as they host the NE Community Park Party at Concourse Park. Volunteers are needed to help set-up, greet attendees, and support the cooking team.

2022-09-26T17:44:57-05:00September 19, 2022|Categories: Serve|

What Does Your Heart Cling To?

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id="1"][cs_element_row _id="2"][cs_element_column _id="3"][cs_text _order="0"]My predecessor, Glen Miles, started the tradition of giving an annual “state of the church” address. The precedent has evolved into me sharing an annual report of the church’s previous year. In some ways, this year’s report could be “it was the best of times and the worst Read More...

2022-09-16T09:19:14-05:00September 16, 2022|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

Meeting, Walking, Living

Julie frequently took Bible study classes and joined spiritual formation small groups but after class she would pull me aside and whisper fiercely to me, “My 40 year old cousin is dying of cancer and I just don’t know if I can believe in God if this is how God has arranged the world.”

2022-09-08T21:28:03-05:00September 8, 2022|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

Find Our Own Belovedness

To recognize God’s grace in the provision of a heart of flesh is key. Much as I prefer the self-protection offered by cynicism, caution, and carbohydrates, finding my way back to my own belovedness has required receiving a new spirit, one of tenderness and one of vulnerability.

2022-09-01T19:16:34-05:00September 1, 2022|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

Enriching Differences

By Rev. Joe Walker, Minister of Congregational Care When I was in elementary school, then as now, everyone was both excited and somewhat anxious as the new academic year got underway. For me, the beginning of school coincided with the onset of my fall seasonal allergies. Colloquially we called it hay fever Read More...

2022-08-26T10:06:56-05:00August 26, 2022|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker|
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