Couple Communication is a positive, award-winning educational program that teaches you and your partner practical communication skills to produce, protect, and sustain a vital partnership. In this class you will develop confidence that you can communicate with your partner effectively, creating faster, better resolutions to conflict and increasing satisfaction in your relationship. This class will be led by Lauren Weinhold and Scott Fuller. Meets Mondays from 6:30-8:00 p.m., Feb.4-25. Couples who were married at the church may take the course for free. The fee is $35 for all others. RSVP to [email protected] by Jan. 25 to reserve your spot.
Couple Communication Offered in February
Lara Schopp2019-01-16T14:44:18-06:00January 14, 2019|Categories: Adult-ministry, Connect, Visitor Information|