Dr. Mike Graves, Scholar in Residence, kicks off a full fall of teaching classes and leading groups at Country Club Christian Church. Check them all out here.
Table Talk: Rethinking Communion
September 12, 19, and 26, 7:00 p.m.
What if we told you that we are not just 2,000 years removed from how the earliest followers of Jesus ate the meal we call Communion, but more like light years? Based on a book he’s just finished writing, Dr. Mike Graves will lead an exploration of three key dynamics of the Jesus meal: intimacy, inclusion, and joy. We’ve celebrated some joyful Communion services in our church, but there’s more to learn about their practices back then, and about what it might mean for us now.
FaithPub, a group of men meeting the third Thursday of each month at The Well in Waldo, returns this fall. Led by Dr. Mike Graves and featuring guest speakers: Brian Ellison, Executive Director for Covenant Network of Presbyterians (Sept. 21), David May, Professor of New Testament at Central Seminary (Oct. 19), and being Jim Brandt, Professor of Historical Theology at Saint Paul School of Theology (Nov. 9).
Don’t Know Much about the Bible
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 7:00 p.m.
If there ever was a time when everyone attending Sunday services knew the Bible well, it’s no longer the case. Surveys indicate we are better at naming the four members of The Beatles than the names of the four Gospels. Even entering seminarians admit to lacking basic knowledge of the biblical texts. In this introduction, we will explore the library of documents we call “Bible.” We will get an overview of both testaments and discuss approaches to reading more closely and fully.
Pathways to Learning
Oct. 29, Nov. 5 and 12
Pathways to Learning is a regular series of elective offerings open to everyone, focusing upon timely topics on the Bible, spirituality, current events, family life and technology. Ideal for those who aren’t involved in a Sunday School class; entire Sunday School classes also encouraged to participate as a group. Visitors and guests welcome. 10:00 a.m. Social Hall. This fall’s series is: How to Read the Bible like a Seminary Professor with Dr. Mike Graves. Thomas Foster’s book, How to Read Literature like a Professor, invites readers to glimpse how English professors discover insights that students often miss. Adapting his title, this class will consider the techniques taught in seminaries for how to interpret the Bible, including older as well as newer methodologies. In addition to looking at these methods, we’ll consider biblical texts used in Sunday sermons this past year.
Dr. Graves will also lead the last three sessions of Faithbook this fall on How to Read the Bible like a Seminary Professor (see above). Faithbook is a group of women exploring scripture and forming friendships. Come and go as your schedule permits on either Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. or Wednesday from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Youth Center. Fall session begins Sept. 19/20 and concludes Nov. 14/15. The first six sessions of fall will be based on More than Words: 10 Values for the Modern Family by Rev. Erin Wathen, Senior Pastor at St. Andrew Christian Church. These sessions will be led by Rev. Carla Aday and Rev. Monica Lewis. Dr. Graves’ sessions will be Oct. 31/Nov. 1, Nov. 7/6 and Nov. 14/15.