Country Club Christian Church

Trunk or Treat is Back!

Dress your little ghoul or goblin in their Halloween costume for a fun alternative to trick or treating! You are invited to "Trunk or Treat" on Saturday, October 26 from 2:30 - 4:30pm. Decorated trunks with treats will be in the Chapel parking lot. In Centennial Park there will be a bounce Read More...

2024-09-26T15:37:07-05:00September 26, 2024|Categories: Home Page, Special Events|

Arts at the Disciples of Christ 2023 General Assembly 

This summer, thousands from across our denomination’s national and international network will gather for our first General Assembly since 2019. This year, our own Rev. Tyler Heston is serving as the Arts Engagement coordinator and is working with five Resident Artists to create immersive and interactive art installations to live in the exhibit hall at General Assembly.

2023-05-22T09:48:11-05:00May 22, 2023|Categories: Adult-ministry, Church Life, Connect, Special Events|
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