As I depart the church one evening, I notice the dappled hues of crimson, indigo, and emerald dancing on the stone floor. The sun’s evening rays have captured the light of stained glass and bid them come alive in the vestibule. And I am jolted out of my mundane thoughts and awakened to some greater mystery unfolding.
On an afternoon walk to get some exercise, I pop into the Kauffman Gardens to check on the thousands of tulips standing at attention and proclaiming Spring. Despite the day’s horrific headlines, some calming peace washes over me and I walk away grounded and delighted.
On a Friday night, my husband and I stop at The Nelson Art Gallery for 45 minutes with Monet, Gauguin, and Van Gogh. One of the paintings of a vase of flowers was created while the artist had been confined to bed in the final weeks before he died. Even as his body failed, his spirit still longed to convey the inexpressible radiance of life. Something within us transcends the ordinary.
I’m grateful to all of you who have invested your dollars, your vision, your prayers, your time into creating a sacred space at 61st and Ward Parkway that proclaims divine beauty. A visitor stands in awe of the stained glass and bows to pray. A long-time member finds solace in the prayer garden and discovers strength to move forward. A family enters the new welcome center bathed in sunlight and experiences grace and hospitality. A toddler savors a tea party in the social hall and beams with joy.
In this troubled world, you have created a beautiful sacred space. Was it worth it?
“Beauty has no obvious use; nor is there any clear cultural necessity for it. Yet civilization could not do without it.”
– Sigmund Freud
Grace and Peace,