It has been several weeks since we’ve given you a construction update, and we think it is about time to show you a part of the building that is becoming the most transformed part.
If you look beyond the mud and digging on the east side of the church, the vision of our new east entrance is becoming visible. Masons have completed the stonework for the stair tower and taken much care in matching the existing stone with a variety of stone sizes and asymmetrical shapes. Now, steelworkers are welding the new stairs inside the tower.
Workers have installed all the glass for the new lobby and torn out the old brick wall to reveal an expansive lobby with plenty of room for inviting seating. We hope this welcoming and light-filled space becomes a spot for many serendipitous conversations for those who come through the doors of our new entrance.
The lobby area will also include a receptionist’s office, family restroom, kitchenette and workspace/storage area. Nearby, the old fire escape alley now has a roof and is transforming into offices for our Director of Facilities and Director of Early Childhood Programs.
Outside, the change between how the mud-filled courtyard area looks now and when you see it next spring will be dramatic. There will be new landscaping and the shed will have barbeque grills next to it rather than dumpsters. While you enjoy a cookout in the courtyard, children will be laughing in the new playgrounds, climbing and sliding on the new playground equipment.
Our dedicated team from Huber Construction has our prayers of gratitude for continuing to work outside despite the cold, snow and mud.
While we are grateful for the places that have been completed so far, there is a lot to look forward to in this area of the building. The change will be dramatic, and we are looking forward to this being a hospitable place for the entire community in the years to come. Thank you for your patience throughout the construction project and your support for The Next 100 Campaign.