Country Club Christian Church

Posts about the ongoing construction project, flows to the Next 100 Update landing page

Progress in the Parlor

Enjoy the short video below to learn more about ongoing renovations, upcoming projects and how the spaces have and will continue to impact those who walk through our doors. We are so excited to be back in the parlor! While there are still more bits and pieces to be Read More...

2023-10-23T14:10:18-05:00October 23, 2023|Categories: Next 100 Updates|

Everything is taking shape!

If you drive by the church on Ward Parkway, you might not see the incredible amount of work that is being done on the east side of the building. But this week, we are starting to see the east entry being framed out and really starting to “take shape".

2023-08-30T17:59:05-05:00August 30, 2023|Categories: Next 100 Updates|
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