Last Sunday, Julie and I had lunch at Grand Street Cafe. We were there for a nice meal before heading over to the Country Club Plaza to enjoy the art fair. We got into a conversation with our waiter about our church. He asked, “Where is it?” I said, “It is the beautiful stone building on Ward Parkway.”  “Oh yeah,” he replied, “It is beautiful but aren’t you going through all sorts of renovations?” I smiled and said, “Not anymore!  We are 95 percent finished. Come see us sometime soon.  We would love to have you visit.”

I have had a front row seat here in my office to watch the construction work.  There was a time not so long ago when I wondered if the cranes and lifts, the trucks and tractors would ever be gone.  I wondered if we’d ever see all of the work on the facade and the various supporting arches completed.  But this morning as I drove onto our campus I thought, “Wow!  We’re done. It is beautiful.”

The building now glistens in the late afternoon sun.  The stained glass sparkles, the Schantz organ fills the sanctuary with wonderful music, and the new landscaping creates a welcoming and inviting atmosphere.

The question before us now is this: Are we ready for what is next?  Are we prepared to listen to the spirit of God and to each other as we prepare for the huge mission and ministry opportunities God has placed before us?
We are blessed with an unbelievably gorgeous campus, with sacred and holy space. The other day a visitor to our worship service said to me, “In this sanctuary it feels like something important and life changing is happening.”

I agree. There is something happening here. The completion of this work, the generosity of you, our members and friends, and the ongoing work of our pastors and lay leaders all point toward the work of God.

I firmly believe that we are ready, Country Club Christian Church, for the new era before us. Our staff and ministry teams are working even now to be a place where our diversity of thought and our unity in Christ are celebrated.  We won’t always know every exact step to take along the way but we can, through the help of the spirit, work together to be the church that God calls us to be, a church where love, faith and hope are real.
The work is done. Now the mission begins again!

Grace and peace to you,