By Barbara George, Director of Membership Development
Friendship and cookies. A Sunday tradition in the parlor after each service that dates back to…well, no one I talked with seems to remember when it began! Best guess is at least 40 years ago. Initially, Vicky Cross baked them all herself. Since then, Sunday School classes, the choir, the Berry small-group, and parent groups have each taken their turn in supplying trays of homemade cookies, lemon bars and breads, around which we all gather to share the week’s events, marvel at how our kids have grown, and overhear the little ones still ask for “just one more, pleeeeease!”
The tradition lives on, but every now and then, we adjust and offer additional means of cookie delivery to our existing rotation. Such a time is now. Over the course of the summer we’ll be testing and refining a method that allows each of us to contribute baked goods to church, as it’s convenient and also fits the lifestyle of every busy family and adult. Truly, it’s Grace at Work…at Home! Here’s how it works:
Nancy Kupzyk and her team, will hand out plastic gallon bags on the third Sunday of the month
Fill the bag(s) with one, two or three dozen home baked goods and return to church!
Instructions of where to return will be inside each bag
Not sure what to bake? An initial supply of easy, sure-fire recipes has been provided by Cindy Irey and can be found on our newly created Pinterest board. If you have a recipe to share, please email it to Lara Schopp ([email protected]) to be added to our site.
Ken Cross remembers that Vicky wanted all people, members and guests alike, to feel welcome and at home after church, enjoying old friendships while meeting and making new ones. This is a gift to us all which has endured for over 40 years and continues to be a hallmark of who we are today.