one day to go.
thursday night most of the crew got together in the church social hall with thousands of vitamins, ibuprofen and tylenol tablets, hundreds of tubes of antibiotic ointment (did you know — according to stephanie — that stuff is merely petroleum jelly with some antibiotic in it?), thousands of toothbrushes, flouride treatments, little dresses for girls and much, much more…
a big thank you to everyone who donated these things or the money for us to buy these things. what seems so simple to us is truly a blessing to those who will receive it.
saturday, we’ll meet at the airport, multi-colored duct tape will go onto the “church bags” (these are the suitcases we carry that don’t have our stuff but rather the vitamins, toothbrushes, etc.), we’ll get checked in and then, off we go. houston first, then manawa*.
we’ve learned a bit more about our non-medical work. later this year, another u.s.-based mission team will install a water purification system in a village near where we are staying. looks like we will help the villagers begin that building process. and another project will have us working on building a storage facility at a school.
in short, no roofing work. hooray!
did i mention in the last post that things have changed and we won’t be staying on the farm where we often do? looks like we’ll be in a hotel of some sort in matagalpa. hmmmm. but never fear. the possibility still definitely exists that roosters will wake us up at 4am every morning…even in the middle of the city.
next post, this weekend from nicarawa*.
*if this doesn’t seem right, go back and read the first post.