Today we saw another large group of patients in the medical clinic. We saw 95 patients. We worked very closely with the clinic physician and nurse. Today was our last day with the physician. We all gave her a hug when she left. We also invited her to KC.
Additionally 250 health kits have been distributed. The kits have supplies like soap, toothpaste, four toothbrushes, and a variety of over-the-counter medications and supplies. The kits are distributed in a class with a discussion of tips for healthy living.
We have had multiple people on our team who have made home visits to a woman who had terminal cancer. We have brought her some medicines to help with her pain and help maintain comfort through end of life. We also brought hand-holding, prayers, and the love of Christ. Certainly our presence has been felt here.
We also partnered with our North Carolina friends and offered art classes for the children. The children colored some beautiful pictures of themselves.
Make sure to ask Amy about her friend. He is about 5 years old. Adorable. He put dirt in her gloves. I think he will be heart broken when we leave the village.
North Carolina had bought a large Pooh bear piñata for the kids when we leave. CCCC has purchased the candy to fill it.
While we all leave a little of us here, we also bring a little of Nicaragua back with us.
Shirley, “we have found the best rum raisin ice cream”. 🙂
Dios de bendiga.