Rev. Corey Meyer, Director of Mission Partnerships
Last February I received an e-mail from Lance Jesse, our chairperson of the Grants & Special Offerings Team, saying that we had two checks to deliver to some of our mission partners who were the recipients of our Christmas Offering. I thought, “Great! How kind and generous for us to raise a few hundred dollars over the holidays.” You can imagine my astonishment when I was handed the checks to realize that they weren’t just a couple hundred dollars, they were thousands of dollars. That’s when I realized how compassionate, giving, and generous this congregation is to give of their resources to the best of causes not just in the Kansas City area but internationally in countries like Nicaragua. Especially in the season of giving and good cheer we live our mission to work with neighbors across the world in being with people as they navigate education, hunger, and poverty. Sure, you could say pocketbooks and checks made a difference during the holidays, but I say it’s the growing heart of a congregation for the world it’s been called to witness God’s amazing work to.
So, in this newsletter, I am excited to give our church a preview of what our generous giving during the Christmas season is aiming to do for our partners here in Kansas City, and in Nicaragua and Ecuador.
2018 Christmas Offering
Each year, the Christmas Offering benefits partners locally and internationally.
This year, the offering will aid in empowering people to learn and live a life of self-sufficiency.
Local recipients are Grace United Community Ministries, Harmony Project KC, and Literacy KC. Each of these agencies share a passion for empowering people to learn in Northeast Kansas City. Activities provided by these organizations focus on reading, music, tutoring, mentoring, and leadership training for all ages. International recipients are FEDICE in Ecuador and CEPAD in Nicaragua. These agencies work in local villages to empower women and men to be entrepreneurial through “micro-loan” programs that help individuals build credit, start businesses, learn skills, and build economic power.
Your gifts during this Christmas Season will help empower people to learn in creative, inventive, and self-sustaining ways so they can move out of poverty. Please consider a gift to support our partners. You may place your gift, marked Christmas Offering, in the collection tray on Sundays, or visit and click Give Now to contribute electronically.