An angel appears before a young woman named Mary and declares, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.”  The angel goes on to tell her that she will bear a son, that she will partner with God to change the world. She asks, “How can this be?”  The angel replies with some theologically unusual sounding words and phrases about the Holy Spirit.  The angel tells her that the “Most High will overshadow you.”  What exactly does that mean?  It’s hard to say for sure.

But in the long run it is enough for Mary to know that God is with her, to know that somehow there is a Spirit at work in this world. One that is faithful to see that no matter how hard things get we are never left alone, we are never left behind. 

Do you remember what Mary says next?  She must be afraid but she finds the courage to proclaim, “God has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. God has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly…”

There is more but you get the point.  Things are about to change!  This is her way of letting everyone know that what is about to happen in Jesus is a great reversal. This is what Dallas Willard calls “the law of inversion,” which is what the Kingdom of God is founded upon.

When Jesus begins to teach and preach he says the same thing.  Oh not in exact quotes, but you can hear an echo of his mother’s words when he proclaims in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God, Blessed are you who are hungry now for you will be filled.”

Do you hear the message?  In God’s world things will be turned around and the church is called to lead the way.

Maybe that is why we celebrate Christmas every year. Perhaps that is why we take time to trudge through the snow, to kneel with the shepherds to see this child of poor, wandering parents, so that we can be reminded where we will most likely find God.”

Are you looking for God this year?  Do you feel as though God is absent from your life, like you have no idea where to go or what to do?  Are you filled with fear and uncertainty, doubt or worry?  Maybe all you need to do is take a knee in the snow and look closely, for God has taken flesh.

Grace and peace to you,