You can be a part of our exciting yet affordable mission experience in Nicaragua, Feb. 24-Mar 4, 2018. We are making plans with our long-time indigenous partner, CEPAD, for a health clinic and a clean water project. No prior mission experience is required, just a heart for meeting our brothers and sisters. Airfare is a little more than in previous years; we expect the all-inclusive cost to be around $1,800. We are accepting applications by emailing Joe Walker.
One of our projects will be helping families build clean drinking water filters. The team hopes to make and distribute 25 filters to rural homes. The Bio-Sand filters have proven to be economical and easily maintained. Each filter costs $40; we are hoping to raise $1000 to pay for the materials.
If you cannot join us in person, support our mission team with a donation to offset costs or a gift toward clean drinking water for a family. Donations of any size are appreciated, please mark your envelope or check “Nica Mission” or “Water Filters.” For information, contact Joe Walker, 816-381-9249.